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Danielle Pipher Clement, MSN, WHNP, AGNP

Foto von Danielle Pipher Clement, MSN, WHNP, AGNP
Wissenschaftliche Autorin von Clue

Danielle Clement ist Krankenpflegerin und Spezialistin für klinische Forschung zur reproduktiven und sexuellen Gesundheit. Sie arbeitet als Content Creator für Produkte und als wissenschaftliche Autorin.

Headshot of Danielle Clement, Nurse Practitioner and Women’s Health Clinical Manager at BD and a graphic of a HPV swab
Illustration, die drei sportliche Aktivitäten zeigt. Von links nach rechts: Gewichtheben, Laufbahn, Tennis.
Ernährung & Sport

Die Rolle des Menstruationszyklus beim Fitness- und Krafttraining

Alles, was du über das Tracken deines Zyklus und Training wissen musst

An illustration in a blue theme of a phone showing the clue app, some BBT tests, medication, pregnancy tests, and a medicine or pill bottle.

What's actually worth buying when trying to conceive

When it comes down to it, there are only a few things that could be helpful when you’re ready to...

Probleme & Erkrankungen

Part 1: I was diagnosed with breast cancer at 28

“Oh, shit!” Kelsey’s response to being diagnosed with breast cancer at 28 years old was totally relatable.

Probleme & Erkrankungen

Part 2: I was diagnosed with breast cancer at 28

I didn’t want to be seen by everyone as a cancer patient.


What sex ed got wrong about conception

Sex education has been a part of school curriculums in the United States and other parts of the world for...


When should I see a fertility specialist?

When you first start trying to conceive, you may wonder: do I need to see a healthcare provider? If you...


When getting pregnant doesn't go to plan

I could already feel my precious timeline slipping away and anxiety creeping into its place.


My wanted pregnancies ended in abortion

I share my personal story because the reversal of Roe v. Wade ruling impacts abortion as healthcare in many different...