Bloodbaths & cycle-syncing: the art of the menstrual ritual
Carnesky spoke with us about how she synchronized her cycle with her team of “Menstruants" and took a literal bloodbath...
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Lena Chen (b. 1987, San Francisco, USA) is a Chinese American artist and writer exploring gender, intimacy, trauma, and sexuality. Experimenting with her body and persona, her autobiographically-driven practice encompasses participatory art, performance, installation, and poetry. She is the co-founder of Heal Her, which convenes talking circles with artists, activists, and survivors around the world to promote collective healing from sexual violence.
Photo: Gershon Kreimer
Carnesky spoke with us about how she synchronized her cycle with her team of “Menstruants" and took a literal bloodbath...
Period art is currently having a moment, but menstruation has long been a source of creative inspiration.