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Illustration of a gift, a ring, and various period products to show Clue Plus Perks

Illustration: Emma Günther

Temps de lecture : 3 min

Get to know Clue Plus Perks

Our newest benefit for Clue Plus members.

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With Clue Plus Perks, subscribers now get exclusive discounts on a curated collection of products and services from partner brands.

Our vision for Clue Plus has always been to make it a valuable companion through every change and choice as you navigate and take charge of your health. Clue Plus Perks are a new way we’re exploring adding even more value to your subscription.

Since Clue first started over a decade ago, there have been so many amazing innovations within the femtech space, and now we can make some of those innovations more accessible to our community via Clue Plus Perks. 

Why did we create Clue Plus Perks?

The brands and products you’ll find in our Clue Plus Perks are all companies we get behind, and whose values align with ours. From eco-friendly period care, to taboo-breaking businesses, and tech innovations for symptom management, we carefully pick each collaboration. Clue doesn’t receive financial gain from Clue Plus Perks. What’s most important to us is that you – our Clue member community – get the benefit. 

And that's why we created Clue Plus Perks – as a space for you to easily find brave brands and useful products that are doing things differently in the world of female health, just like we are. Because changing the future of menstrual and reproductive health really is a collective effort.

You can explore Clue Plus Perks and find the details about each offer in the Content Tab in the Clue app when you have an active Clue Plus subscription. While some offers are only available for specific regions, watch this space for more to come as we continue to build this out. 

So how do we select Clue Plus Perks? 

As with everything we experiment with at Clue, we take a thoughtful and practical approach. And as a company fundamentally driven by our community, we have heard your requests to provide further support as you turn the insights you gain from tracking into action within your everyday life and in the decisions you make along your health journey.

With that in mind, each Clue Plus Perk is carefully vetted against the following criteria and considerations:

  • Is it in the interest of and/or for the benefit of our users?

  • Does it help improve, support, or advance the health and wellbeing of people with cycles?

  • Is it scientifically and ethically sound?

  • Is it in alignment with our vision of no barriers, no myths, and no taboos?

One thing we want to be absolutely clear about is that we have never and will never sell our member’s personal information, and Clue Plus Perks doesn’t change this in any way. 

Let us know your thoughts

We’re always open to feedback from our community and welcome your input on what you do and don’t want to see when it comes to Clue Plus Perks. If you’d like to share your thoughts, we’d love to hear them, so don’t hesitate to reach out via Support. 

une illustration de la fleur de Clue
une illustration de la fleur de Clue

Live in sync with your cycle and download the Clue app today.

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Vivez en symbiose avec votre cycle en téléchargeant l'app Clue maintenant.