Comment soutenir les personnes trans pendant leurs règles ?
Les règles peuvent être pénibles, surtout lorsqu'elles provoquent une dysphorie de genre, mais le soutien d'une personne chère peut être...
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Als Autorin bei Clue hat Jen sich besonders mit LGBTQIA+ Themen, Sex und Popkultur beschäftigt.
Les règles peuvent être pénibles, surtout lorsqu'elles provoquent une dysphorie de genre, mais le soutien d'une personne chère peut être...
Voici ce que les personnes trans, genderqueer et non binaire disent
Les rendez-vous médicaux peuvent donner lieu à des sentiments de dysphorie.
Il existe de nombreux mythes et idées reçues sur la manière de tomber enceint·e.
We reached out seeking your experiences with the emergency contraceptive pill. Here’s what came in.
Here’s what to do before, during and after your visit, to get the best healthcare possible.
Les STI sont très courantes --- protégez-vous en suivant ces conseils.
Symptômes courants de l'endométriose et comment les suivre avec Clue app
How do you manage your menstruation at night-time? Our readers share their tips.
Retours d'expériences et conseils sur la contraception par des personnes qui ne sont pas des femmes.
Lorsque vous avez vos règles mais que vous n'êtes pas une femme, cela peut être source d'inconfort et d'anxiétéLorsque vous...
Même si ce n'est pas vous qui le portez, il est bon d'avoir des réponses.
Tracking symptoms throughout your menstrual cycle can help you understand your experience of PMS.
Des couples lesbiens, queer et trans répondent à nos recherches sur la synchronisation menstruelle
L'éjaculation est une expérience corporelle puissante qui a longtemps été associée au pénis et à la sexualité masculine.
Were the first tampons made of wood? Where does the phrase “on the rag” come from? Historian Helen King has...
Ilaria from our support team shares her insider tips for getting the most out of the Clue app.
Different types of condoms and how to use them.
Gender-inclusivity is an important part of what we do at Clue. We asked our translators: “What does it mean to...
Avant tout : ce n'est pas un moyen de contraception
Les règles peuvent être source de dysphorie si vous êtes trans ou non-binaire.
Voici comment se bander la poitrine de manière plus saine.
Ilaria from our Support team shares more tips for getting the most out of Clue.
There’s a lot of misinformation and stigma about STIs, and they can be uncomfortable to discuss. But we need to...
Can masturbating cause any health problems? Can it make you lose your virginity?
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common but often undiagnosed condition. Here are some answers to common questions about PCOS.
Chaque corps est unique et les expériences avec le stérilet sont donc très variables.
Des lesbiennes partagent leurs expériences avec la pilule, le stérilet, l'implant et d'autres contraceptifs.
Can you get an STI from a toilet seat? Can you get one the first time you have sex? Does...
Sex education can help us make decisions, but only when taught in a way that is relevant to our individual...
Can jokes about periods be empowering? We caught up with zine-maker, teacher and #periodpositive comedian Chella Quint ahead of her...
People are making awesome podcasts about all kinds of things — yes, even menstruation. Here are some of our top picks.
Transgender and non-binary people with endometriosis share their experiences and advice.
We asked transgender, gender non-conforming, and nonbinary people with PCOS to share their stories and advice.
Birth control is rarely talked about in queer communities, which means that relevant information and support are essential.
There are many stereotypes about romance between two people with menstrual cycles. We reached out to lesbians, transgender and queer...
We reached out seeking your experiences with the implant. Here’s what came in.
Every body is different, and people have a huge variety of experiences with the copper IUD. We reached out for...
Tampons have been the subject of moral panic, health scares, taxes, and ridiculous advertising. Can you lose your virginity by...
Stigma surrounding HIV and AIDS directly harms people’s health. Here’s what people are doing to end it.
Not everyone has the same experience of PCOS symptoms management or treatment. We reached out via social media and asked...
Not everyone has the same experience of PCOS symptoms and diagnosis. We reached out via social media and asked people...
The results of the Ideal Partner Survey — a collaboration between Clue, the University of Göttingen and MyONE Condoms.
Everything you need to know if you’re visiting us in Berlin.